Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Last Scribe

Well I'm the last scribe for this interesting semester of math class with Mr.Max, and this morning we finished our first part of the provincial exam (Inquiry task).Which everyone thought was pretty easy, but that doesnt mean you shouldn't prepare for the second half!...Anyways in today's class we reviewed to prepare for the written part of the exam.On tomorrow's exam there will be roughly 6 units approximately worth 8-9 marks each.
Also since this is the last scribe good luck to everyone on their exam, and for their upcoming future.

June 10th

Yesterday in class we did review on design and measurment and periodic functions. More of the periodic functions that anythign. Below is what we learned or relearned.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

June 9th 2008

Yesterday we went over Probability.
Here are some screen shots for you.

Im not good at probabilty so i wont even try to

explain what they mean. lol

Monday, June 9, 2008

June 6/2008

Hello everyone who actually came to class. As you may know the Softball Provincials were hosted at the park, mysteriously causing over half the class to be sick I guess.

Due to this, the class just studied on their own and nothing new was learned or reviewed. However, there was some disscussion about an orc which may possibly look like one teacher in our school.

This is that orc that may or may not look like a teacher in our school.

This picture on the other hand is completely irrelevant, but it is funny and we could all use a little laugh before the exam right?

So, now that everyone is caught up on our discussion on friday i will say good day. Good luck on the exam! Don't choke!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Thursday, June 05, 2008

To start off the class, Mr max promised he'd have the stat tests back.
We are on our fourth day of reviewing for the exam , and today we've chose to review STATS.

Statistics Exam Reviw

The general learning outcomes are

  • Find the population standard deviation of a data set using tech.
  • Use z-scores to solve problems

Some Tips and Tricks.

  • Can you find the mean and standard deviation of :
    A. Ungrouped Data?
    - single data set
    -**stat- calc- 1 var stats L1

    B .Grouped Data?
    - 2 data sets (one set of boundaries and one set of frequencies)
    - **stat calc 1-Var stats L1, L2
    - boundaries * first list
    - frequencies * second list

  • Z-scores (& Normal Distributions)
    *** 68%-95%-99.7%
    z= (the mark - mean )/ standard deviation

    A. normal cdf ( lowest score, highest score, mean, standard dev.)
    normal cdf (lowest zscore, highest z score)

    *Record what your inputs are.. forgetting to write your inputs WILL GET YOU NO POINTS.

    C. "Stats spreadsheet" on the network
    * This sheet will do any kind of question that will get thrown at you on the exam. ALso, record your inputs, screen shots aren't a bad idea either.

  • Binomial distributions/ conifidence intervals

    A. mean = n*p
    standard dev. = n*p*q ------> provided the distribution is binomial
    (( p is "probablity" of success
    q= "probability of failure"
    n= number of items in a data set.))

    B. Binompdf or Binomcdf*** unlikely to see on exam.
    ( # of prob trials, prob of success, no. of successes)
    pdf = implies... ""Exactly this many successes""
    cdf = imples... ""At most this many successes""
    So, P(AT LEAST) = 1- P(at most)

    C.Confidence Intervals
    To receive full marks... your answer should look like this:
    - 1propZInt
    x: __
    n: __
    C-level: ___

    *Calculator default for the interval is decimals/ percentages
    - must be converted if required
    ( p-low * n , p-high * n )

    **** As level of confidence increases size of interval Also increases.
Well guys, our exam is coming up on Wednesday & Thursday!
Study hard, it'll be worth it =)!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Vector Review

Well yesterday we did some review on vectors there was some problems loading the diagrams yesterday but they worked today. The exam is next Wednesday and thursday so get crackin' if you haven't started studying.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Monday June 2

Well seeing as how we are currently finished all of our units and our exam starts on next wednesday, we started our exam review. We reviewed matricies.

May 30 2008

Today we had a homework check on sinusodal functions. Questions #1 and #2 where went over in class and no homework was assigned for monday. Next week we will start going over our units preparing for our math exam.
So I guess this is going to be my last post for this course. I just want to say I had lots of fun this simester and a hope everyone else did. Good luck next year and all the best towards your future.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

May 29, 2008

We started with the homework check on Questions #16 & #18 from the “Sinusoidal Data Exam Questions” Booklet, and continued with the correction of these. Then Mr. Max showed us how to do a Blog Clean up, and told us to do it before June 20th. New homework is #1 & #2.

Here my little hint for sinusoidal functions:
a = amplitude
(the distance between the average and the maximum or minimum)
b = 2π/period
(the time it takes to get from max1 to max2)
c = phase shift
(the difference from the point of start (time 0) to the point where a not phase shifted sinusoidal function would start)
d = average
(the middle between maximum and minimum)

-c/b => phase shift

On May 28 we went over The ferris wheel question. We also had question 16 and 18 for homework.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Well today Jordan isn't here today so I am scribing. We are done mental math so we started by handing in our baseball dimond question, we then went over the answer. The total was $75,874.08.

Idea with questions with a,b,c,d.... if you don't know how to do a but you know how to do the rest make up a answer and use it for the rest. Just write down a little note saying I don't know how to do a so I made up a answer.

We did some sinusoidal data questions and here are the answers. Question number 7 is for homework, show all work. Here is a panada dog.


Today we handed in mental math marks and decided to never do mental math again!! We had to finish question 3(the baseball diamond) He gave us a hint that the answer is about $80,000. The question is due at start of class tomorrow.

Monday, May 26, 2008

may 23

so its my day to scribe and well i don t really know what to do becuse we didn t have class today because of the pilot exam. it wasn't what i expected it to be the way every one talked about i thought it would be really hard i m not saying it was easy but it was about right.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

May 22 2008

Hello class whats up? Well today we had our first part of our piolot exam, in my opinion it was not as hard as i had expected. after our exam we were all fiished so we had our regular classes. Max showed us a few questions on periodic functions. We then got several copies of old exams to get practise. well that was basically all there will be no screen shots for today TOP SECRET!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

May 21, 2008

Today, we learnt the basics of periodic functions. We have our pilot exam tommorow and friday.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Tuesday, May 20th

Today we did mental math, we discussed where our pilot and provincial exams will be held. The pilot will be held in the resource centre and the provincial will be in mr max's room .

Friday, May 16, 2008

Design and Measurement Homework

Today, instead of doing Mental Math, Mr. Maks gave us a question from our Design and Measurement booklet for a quiz handed in by 3:40. We were supposed to do Assignment 2 Question 2A. So, I guess it's tough luck for the people who skipped or were away. Homework due for Tuesday is from the booklet, Assignment 2 Question 3. Have a great long weekend!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

May 15,2008

Hello Class! Today we did mental math and watched a preview for Kung Fu Panda(comes out June 6) was pretty sweet. We worked in the Design and Measurement Portfolio booklet today. Max said to ignore the rubric and stuff in the back of the book because we are doing it differently. We were instructed to make our own formula sheets that have formulas for 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D objects. In class we did question #1, assigment 2 today. Its the cake question. We added onto the 3rd paragraph that we also create a diagram showing Dans minimized cake waste. Thats what we did in class today!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Test Review

Today in class we went over our test review for tomorrows test! Here's what your all suppose to know!