Thursday, June 5, 2008

Thursday, June 05, 2008

To start off the class, Mr max promised he'd have the stat tests back.
We are on our fourth day of reviewing for the exam , and today we've chose to review STATS.

Statistics Exam Reviw

The general learning outcomes are

  • Find the population standard deviation of a data set using tech.
  • Use z-scores to solve problems

Some Tips and Tricks.

  • Can you find the mean and standard deviation of :
    A. Ungrouped Data?
    - single data set
    -**stat- calc- 1 var stats L1

    B .Grouped Data?
    - 2 data sets (one set of boundaries and one set of frequencies)
    - **stat calc 1-Var stats L1, L2
    - boundaries * first list
    - frequencies * second list

  • Z-scores (& Normal Distributions)
    *** 68%-95%-99.7%
    z= (the mark - mean )/ standard deviation

    A. normal cdf ( lowest score, highest score, mean, standard dev.)
    normal cdf (lowest zscore, highest z score)

    *Record what your inputs are.. forgetting to write your inputs WILL GET YOU NO POINTS.

    C. "Stats spreadsheet" on the network
    * This sheet will do any kind of question that will get thrown at you on the exam. ALso, record your inputs, screen shots aren't a bad idea either.

  • Binomial distributions/ conifidence intervals

    A. mean = n*p
    standard dev. = n*p*q ------> provided the distribution is binomial
    (( p is "probablity" of success
    q= "probability of failure"
    n= number of items in a data set.))

    B. Binompdf or Binomcdf*** unlikely to see on exam.
    ( # of prob trials, prob of success, no. of successes)
    pdf = implies... ""Exactly this many successes""
    cdf = imples... ""At most this many successes""
    So, P(AT LEAST) = 1- P(at most)

    C.Confidence Intervals
    To receive full marks... your answer should look like this:
    - 1propZInt
    x: __
    n: __
    C-level: ___

    *Calculator default for the interval is decimals/ percentages
    - must be converted if required
    ( p-low * n , p-high * n )

    **** As level of confidence increases size of interval Also increases.
Well guys, our exam is coming up on Wednesday & Thursday!
Study hard, it'll be worth it =)!

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